Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Homework for today: 10.5 #7-19

Or is a very important word. It means union.
And is also a very important word. It means intersection.

To find the probabilities of unions, you add them together.

Events A and B are independent events if and only if P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B)
Otherwise, A and B are dependent.

Use Venn diagrams when you're having trouble figuring things out!

We'll be talking about if/then statements soon (ex: If Mr. Schiffman owns a car, then it is a white car). If/then statements are abbreviated using ==> symbols (yes, that's a kind of arrow sign that I typed using equal and greater/less than signs). It must be proved only one way.

If and only if statements (ex: If and only if Mr. Schiffman owns a car, it is a white car) are abbreviated <==>. They must be proved going both ways.

10/30/13 math 1050

Once upon a time Master Yoda became a millionaire off of BYU bumper stickers. Brilliant.

Once upon a time Master Yoda became a billionaire off of college students' crap. Marvelous.

All from maximizing a dollar. Radical.

So what do we do with story problems? That's right. We organize our information. Fantastic.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Homework for today: page 656 # 7-29 odds

Inclusive events: events that occur at the same time.
Mutually exclusive events: events that cannot occur at the same time.
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)

or = at least one (union)
and = both (intersection)

Remember: probability is EVENT/SAMPLE SPACE.