Wednesday, March 25, 2020

March 26, 2020 - SM3: Worksheet #1

Dear SM3 Students & Paige,

Attached is your first worksheet. This is due as listed on the worksheet. You are to do your work on a separate sheet of paper and submit your assignment to me via my UCAS email. Take a photograph of your work from your cellphone, attach it to your email and send it to me. Do not send it to me before you have a chance to check your answers with the answer key. Oh . . . the answer key will be posted on this blog on Friday. The schedule for each week will be as follows:

Tuesday - Worksheet will be posted
Wednesday - Answer key will be posted
Thursday - Worksheet is due

Thursday - A new worksheet will be posted
Friday - Answer key will be posted
Monday - Worksheet is due

If you have questions, please email me. Also, please work 30 minutes each day (M-F) on ALEKS.

I miss you.

Mr. Schiffman

Monday, March 23, 2020

March 23, 2020 - SM3 STUDENTS - PLEASE READ

Dear SM3 Students,

As you know, the goal of your class was to help you succeed in passing the ALEX placement tests. Therefore, in order to accomplish this goal I am asking you to do the following:

1) Work on the ALEX system 30 minutes each day. Please do this. It will help you succeed when the time comes that UVU opens the testing center.

2) I will post on this blog Tuesday & Thursday, a review worksheet that covers material that we have worked on in the past. This will be given to you as a homework assignment. You need to do the problems on the worksheet and submit your work as a .jpeg photograph to my UCAS email by midnight the day after it is assigned. (Tuesday's assignment is due Wednesday, midnight; Thursday's assignment is due Friday midnight).

3) If you have questions or you want to work with me, I will be available at UCAS on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. I would be happy to work with you.

4) Keep yourself ready for when UVU's testing center reopens, and then take the ALEX placement test as soon as possible after it reopens.

If you have questions, please contact me via email.

Mr. Schiffman